㊤ とばかりに ←

→ ㊤ といえども

㊤ とでも言うべき

Phrase (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)

A phrase that introduces a noun (or noun phrase) to describe the nature of someone or something. Which could/may be called; which can/could be described as
【Related Expression: と言う; である; のような】

Key Sentences

(ksa). あれは運命とでも言うべき出来事だった。

That was an incident that could be called fate.

(ksb). これはエッセイ的なサイトとでも言うべきでしょう。

This should probably be described as an essay-like website.


(i)Noun1 とでも言うべきNoun2  
革命とでも言うべき出来事 An event that could be called a revolution
(ii)Noun とでも言うべき  
「現代版シンデレラ」とでも言うべき We could call (her) a modern version of Cinderalla


(a). 近いうちに試用版とでも言うべきものをお送りします。

I'll send you something before long that could be called a trial version.

(b). ミュンヘンのシンボルとでも言うべきこの市役所は1867年から1908年にかけて建てられたものです。

This city hall, which could be called Munich's symbol, was built between 1867 and 1908.

(c). 我々は20世紀の技術の賜物とでも言うべき明石海峡大橋を渡った。

We crossed the Akashi Strait Bridge, which could be described as a gift of 20th century technology.

(d). マイホーム計画最大のポイントとでも言うべきローンの組み方には、大きく分けると公的融資と民間融資の2種類があります。

The ways of arranging a mortgage, which could be described as the most important consideration when planning to buy a home, can be classified into two types; government mortgages and private mortgages.

(e). 彼を一言で表現するとしたら「ネットワークの旅人」とでも言うべきだろうか。

If I had to describe him in a word, I would call him a "network traveller"

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㊤ とばかりに ←

→ ㊤ といえども