㊤ とでも言うべき ←

→ ㊤ ~といい~といい

㊤ といえども

Conjunction (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)

A conjunction that expresses the idea of "even (though)". Even; any; although; though; even though
【Related Expression: でも】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 医者といえども時に病気になることもある。

Even doctors sometimes become ill. (literally: Even though we call them doctors, there are times when they become ill.)

(ksb). いかなる名人といえども時には失敗することもある。

Any master sometimes makes a mistake. (literally: No matter what kind of master he/she may be called, he/she sometimes makes a mistake.)

(ksc). 東京に住んでいるといえども知らない都内の名所は沢山ある。

Even though I live in Tokyo (literally: Even though I say I live in Tokyo), there are many sightseeing spots in Tokyo that I don't know.


(i)Noun といえども  
先生といえども Even teachers
(ii){いかなる/どんな}Noun といえども  
{いかなる/どんな}技術といえども Any technology; no matter what kind of technology it may be
(iii)Sinformal といえども だ after Adjectiveなstem and Noun is often omitted
しっかり準備はしているといえども Even though I'm well prepared
備えは万全(だ)といえども Although the preparation is perfect


(a). 同時通訳は一瞬といえども気が抜けない。

In simultaneous translation, you cannot lose your concentration even for a moment.

(b). 科学技術の分野では、たとえグループ研究といえども個人の新しい発想によるところが非常に大きい。

In the field of science and technology, even group research is greatly dependent on individuals (coming up with) new ways of thinking.

(c). いかなる自動翻訳機といえども、完全に機械だけで自然言語を翻訳するのは難しい。

No matter what kind of automatic translation machine (you use), getting a natural-sounding translation solely from a machine is difficult.

(d). 当たらずといえども遠からず。

Close, but not quite. (literally: Although it is not exactly right, it is not far off.)

(e). 世界広しといえども、東京の神田ほど多くの古本屋が一か所に集中しているところはほかにないだろう。

Even though the world is a big place, nowhere else are there as many used book stores concentrated in one place as there are in Kanda, Tokyo.

(f). 筋力は少し衰えたといえども、彼はまだまだ若い選手に負けない集中力とスタミナを保っている。

Although his strength has faded, he still maintains (levels of) concentration and stamina comparable to younger players.

(g). いかに日本での生活が長いといえども、言葉の問題には常には遭遇する。

Although I've lived in Japan for a long time, I constantly encounter language problems.

(h). 天性の才能を持ち合わせているといえども、絶え間ない努力と訓練なくして今日の彼女はなかった。

Although she has God-given talents, she couldn't be what she is now without her unceasing effort and training.

Note image

㊤ とでも言うべき ←

→ ㊤ ~といい~といい