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㊤ とばかりに

Phrase (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)

A phrase that indicates that someone does something in order to convey something or in such a way that someone is convinced that something is the case. As if; as if to say that; as if~ were convinced that; as if~ believed that; as if~ decided that
【Related Expression: といわんばかりに; と言うよう/風に; と】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 悟は「黙ってついてこい」とばかりに先に立って歩き出した。

Satoru started off (literally: began to walk ahead) as if to say: "Don't say anything and follow me."

(ksb). 課長は余計な質問はするなとばかりに私をにらみつけた。

My section chief glared at me as if to tell me not to ask any unnecessary questions.

(ksc). 霧が晴れたので、私は今がチャンスとばかりに写真を撮りまくった。

The fog had cleared, so I took pictures furiously, as if it were my only chance.

(ksd). 竹本はこの時とばかりに日頃の不満を吐き出した。

Takemoto vented his long-held complaints as if he were convinced this was the time (to do so).


(i)Direct Quotation とばかりに  
「それ!」とばかりに As if to say, "there you go!"
(ii)Indirect Quotation とばかりに  
そうはさせないとばかりに As if so to say that someone wouldn't let someone do that
(iii)Noun とばかりに  
チャンスとばかりに As if someone had decided that this were someone's great opportunity


(a). 彼女は「えい!」とばかりに侵入者を投げ飛ばした。

She threw off (literally: flung) the intruder with a yell (literally: as if yelling, "Ei.!").

(b). 庭園の花たちは早く撮ってとばかりに美しく咲いていました。

The flowers in the garden were blooming beautifully, as if they wanted us to take their pictures.

(c). 思い立ったが吉日とばかりにエアロビクスを始めました。

I began aerobics believing that the day you think of something is an auspicious day to start it.

(d). 新鮮な魚を食べられるのは今日が最後とばかりに、刺身を食べられるだけ食べた。

I ate as much sashimi as I could, as if I were convinced it was the last day I could eat fresh fish.

(e). 守は心の洗濯とばかりに一週間の旅行に出かけた。

Mamoru left for a one-week trip, seemingly convinced that it would refresh his mind.

(f). 彼らはここぞとばかりに自分たちの給料の安さを訴えた。

Seeming to have decided that this was a great opportunity, they protested that their wages were low.

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㊤ とあっては ←

→ ㊤ とでも言うべき