㊤ 思うに ←

→ ㊤ 折(に)

㊤ をおいてほかに(は)~ない

Phrase (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)

A phrase that means "there is nothing else besides X". (there is) no~ but X; X is the only one; nothing else is~ but X; no other~ are/do something as~ as X
【Related Expression: 以外に~ない; のほかに~ない; 一番; もっとも】

Key Sentences

(ks). 日本語を短期間で習得したいのならこの学校をおいてほかに(は)ない

If you want to learn Japanese in a short period of time, there is no other school (that you should consider) but this one.


Noun をおいてほかに()~ない  
サッカーをおいてほかに()例がない There is no example but soccer
リサをおいてほかに()いない There is no one else but Lisa


(a). これほど多くの作品を手がけた監督はY氏をおいてほかにいない

No other director has been involved with as many works as Mr. Y.

(b). あなたを救うのはあなた自身をおいてほかにない

There is no one to save you but yourself.

(c). これほどのプロフェッショナリズムと豊かな経験を提供できる会社は、日本中で当社をおいてほかにはありません

There is no company in Japan but ours that can provide this level of professionalism and rich experience.

(d). 契約に対してこれだけ無神経な国はこの国をおいてほかに思いつかない

I cannot think of another country that is as indifferent to contracts as this one is.

(e). この役割をこなせるのはジェーンをおいてほかに考えられない

We cannot think of anyone who can handle this role but Jane.

(f). 味のよさと形の美しさ、この二つの要件を満たす桃は、山梨県産をおいてほかにない

The only peaches that satisfy the two requirements of good taste and beautiful shape are the ones from Yamanashi Prefecture. (literally: No peaches satisfy the two requirements, i.e., good taste and a beautiful shape, but those from Yamanashi Prefectur

(g). 非母国語話者の間のコミュニケーションにおいてこれほど広範囲に用いられている言語は、英語をおいてほかには存在しない

There is no language but English that is used as widely for communication among non-native speakers.

Note image

㊤ 思うに ←

→ ㊤ 折(に)