㊤ をものともせず ←

→ ㊤ をおいてほかに(は)~ない

㊤ 思うに

Phrase (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)

A phrase indicating that the subsequent statement is the speaker's/writer's personal view. In my view; it seems to me that~; when I think (about~); considering
【Related Expression: 考えるに】

Key Sentences

(ksa). (私が)思うに、文化は宗教の一種だ。

In my view, culture is a kind of religion.

(ksb). 医学界の体質を思うに、当然医者と製薬会社の癒着はあると思う。

Considering the nature of the medical world, I believe there is collusion between doctors and pharmaceutical companies.


(i)思うに Sentence。  
思うに、コンピュータは良し悪しだ。 In my view computers are good and bad
(ii)NPを 思うに  
この一年を思うに、つらいことが多かった。 When I think about this past year, it was full of trying things


(a). 思うに、情報を発信するマスコミと受信する我々国民は、完全に分化され固定化されてしまっているのが現状だ。

In my view, the present state is that the media, which distribute information, and the citizens, who receive it, are completely separate and static.

(b). 思うに、快楽に耽る人生ほど快楽から遠いものはない。」ージョン・D・ロックフェラー2世

I can think of nothing less pleasurable than a life devoted to pleasure. ― John D. Rockefeller, Jr.

(c). 私が思うに、大学時代の部活はお薦めだ。きっと一生の宝物になるだろう。

I would recommend joining a club activity at college. I'm sure it would be something you'd treasure for the rest of your life.

(d). 思うに、優れた画家であっても、生命感あふれる作品を生み出せるのはほんの一時期ではないだろうか。

It seems to me that even an outstanding painter can create dynamic artworks only during a certain period of his or her life.

(e). 思うに、「人を使う」ことが上手な人間というのは魅力のない人間である。

In my view, people who excel at getting things from others (literally: using people) are unattractive people.

(f). 自分の来し方を思うに、常に幅広い好奇心を持ち続けてきたことが、研究を続ける原動力ではなかっただろうか。

When I reflect upon my past, it appears to me that my constant sense of curiosity in everything has served as a driving power for me to keep on doing my research.

(g). 大地震の被災者の人たちの状況を思うに、何もできずにいることが本当につらいです。

It's painful not to be able to do anything when I think about the circumstances of people who were hit by the earthquake.

Note image

㊤ をものともせず ←

→ ㊤ をおいてほかに(は)~ない