㊤ をおいてほかに(は)~ない ←

→ ㊤ 恐れがある

㊤ 折(に)

Noun (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)

A noun indicating special/uncommon and primarily desirable occasions which someone takes advantage of, or where someone is expected to do something or where something desirable takes place. On the occasion; at the time; when; if; opportunity; chance
【Related Expression: 時; さい; (せつ)に】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 上京の(に)はぜひお立ち寄り下さい。

When you come up to Tokyo, please be sure to stop by.

(ksb). この前日本に帰った(に)高校時代の友達に会った。

When I returned to Japan last time, I met with my high school friends.

(ksc). 援助が必要な(に)は早めに連絡して下さい。

If you need any help, please contact me sooner rather than later.


(i)Nounの ()  
休暇の() On vacation
(ii)Vinformal ()  
京都へ{行く/行った}() When I go/went to Kyoto
(iii)Adjectiveいinformal nonpast ()  
寒さの厳しい() At a time when it is severly cold
(iv)Adjectiveなstemな ()  
暇な() When you have leisure time
(v)Demonstrative adjective ()  
その() On that occasion; at that time


(a). 近くにお越しの折には、ぜひ当店をご利用下さい。

When you are in the area, please use our shop.

(b). ロスへ出張した折に息子の様子を見るために大学の寮に寄ってみた。

When I was on business in L.A., I stopped by my son's university dormitory to see how he was doing.

(c). 都心に出た折に、古本屋街に足を延ばした。

When I went into downtown Tokyo, I also went (literally: extended my trip) to the used book store district.

(d). こういうスーツを持っていれば冠婚葬祭の折に着るものを心配しなくてもいい。

If you have a suit like this, you don't have to worry what to wear for (literally: on the occasions of) weddings and funeral services.

(e). 卒業の折に親に買ってもらった時計をなくしてしまった。

I lost the watch my parents bought for me for my graduation.

(f). 私は大きな借金をかかえて途方にくれていました。そんな折に彼から電話があったのです。

I was saddled with debt and didn't know what to do. On that occasion, there was a call from him.

Note image

㊤ をおいてほかに(は)~ない ←

→ ㊤ 恐れがある