㊤ とは言え ←

→ ㊤ ついでに

㊤ つい


An adverb used to describe someone doing something without being able to control himself/herself or used to indicate the closeness of a time or a place. Unintentionally; without being able to control onself; without meaning to; carelessly; involuntarily; in spite of oneself; just; only
【Related Expression: うっかり; 思わず】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 楽しかったので、つい飲みすぎてしまった。

Because I had such a good time, I ended up drinking too much (without meaning to).

(ksb). ついさっきまで山口さんが来ていたんです。

Mr. Yamaguchi was here until just a little while ago.


(i)つい Verb  
つい居眠りをする Someone dozes carelessly/unintentionally
(ii)つい Adverb (time)
つい最近 Just recently


(a). 人のお金を使うのは悪いとは知りながら、つい使ってしまった。

I know it's a bad thing to use someone else's money but I just couldn't control myself (and used it).

(b). 安かったのでつい買ってしまった。

It was cheap, so I just bought it (even though I didn't mean to).

(c). 恵美につい亜紀の秘密を話してしまった。

I carelessly told Aki's secret to Emi.

(d). 彼の仕事を見ているとじれったいのでつい手を貸してしまう。

I feel impatient when I see him doing his work, so, without intending to, I end up extending a hand.

(e). あの人は面白いのでついからかいたくなる。

He's so funny it's hard to resist teasing him (literally: I come to want to tease him without meaning to).

(f). この店は感じがいいのでつい入ってみたくなる。

This shop has such a good atmosphere that I can't help wanting to go in.

(g). ついこの間、新年を祝ったと思ったら今日はもうバレンタインデーだ。

It feels like we just celebrated New Year's the other day, and here it is Valentine's Day already.

(h). 彼女からは、つい2、3日前にメールをもらった。

I received an email from her only two or three days ago.

(i). ついそこに喫茶店がありますからそこで話しましょう。

There's a tea house just over there, so let's talk there.

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㊤ とは言え ←

→ ㊤ ついでに