A phrase used to express the idea that someone does a second thing at the same time as the first because it takes less time or effort. | When; while (~ at it); as; on one's way to; since~ (anyway); as well; at one's convenience |
(ksa). 京都へ来たついでに龍安字の石庭を見に行こうと思っている。
Since I'm in Kyoto, I'm thinking of going to see the rock garden at Ryoanji Temple.
(ksb). 頼みついでにもう一つお願いしてもいいですか。
While I'm at it, may I ask another favour of you?
(ksc). この仕事は大変だが、大変ついでに来週の文もいま片付けるおけば後が楽だ。
This job is a real chore, but while we're at it if we finish the work for next week, too, we'll have an easier time later.
(ksd). 生活費を抑えるために電気や水を節約し始めたが、節約ついでにエアコンも止めることにした。
I began to conserve electricity and water to lower my living expenses and as I'm cutting back, I decided to stop using the air conditioner as well.
(kse). 話のついでにこのことも言っておきます。
While I'm telling you the story, let me add this, too.
(ksf). コピーしに行くの?じゃ、これもついでにお願いできる?
Are you going to make copies? Then, could I ask you to do this as well?
(i)Vinformal | ついでに | |
{行く/行った}ついでに | When someone goes/went | |
(ii)Vます | ついでに | |
送りついでに | When someone sends something/gives a ride to someone | |
(iii)Adjectiveなstem | ついでに | |
面倒ついでに | Since someone is doing a tedius thing anyway | |
(iv)Adjectiveい{stem/informal nonpast} | ついでに | |
恥ずかし(い)ついでに | Since someone is embarrassed anyway | |
(v)VN | ついでに | |
発送ついでに | While someone ships something | |
(vi)Nの | ついでに | |
食事のついでに | When someone has a meal | |
ニューヨーク出張のついでに | When someone goes to New York on business |
(a). バンクーバーへ行くついでにシアトルの友達のところに寄る予定だ。
I plan to stop by my friend's place in Seattle on my way to Vancouver.
(b). 車を洗ったついでに中も掃除しておいた。
When I washed my car, I cleaned the inside as well.
(c). 叱られついでに、もう一つの失敗のことも話してしまいます。
Since you've already told me off once, let me go ahead and tell you about another mistake I made.
(d). 恥かきついでにもう一つお聞きしますが、アメリカも大学入試はあるんですか。
Now that I've been embarrassed (by my ignorance) once, let me ask you another question. Are there college entrance exams in America, too?
(e). 今回は高級ホテルに泊まっているので、贅沢ついでにホテルのレストランで食事をすることにした。
I'm staying at a first-class hotel this time, and if that isn't luxurious enough, I've decided to have dinner at the hotel restaurant.
(f). ご苦労ついでにこの翻訳も手伝ってもらえませんか。
Since you're working hard anyway, could I ask you to help me with this translation, too?
(g). 厚かましいついでにお願いがもう一つあります。
I've already been shameless (in asking you favours), but I have another favour to ask of you.
(h). 新しい電気自動車の取材ついでに自分も少し運転させてもらった。
When I went to report on the new electric car, I got to drive it a little myself.
(i). 買い物のついでに銀行に寄って少し現金を下ろしていきます。
I'll stop by the bank and withdraw some cash when I go shopping.
(j). 以上が今週の予定ですが、ついでに来週の予定も言っておきます。
That is the schedule for this week, and while I'm at it, let me tell you the schedule for next week as well.