㊤ とは ←

→ ㊤ つい

㊤ とは言え

Phrase (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)

A conjunctive phrase meaning "although it is said that" Although (it is said that/someone says that); even though (it is said that/someone says that); admitting that; that being said; however; nevertheless
【Related Expression: と(は)いっても; とは言うものの】

Key Sentences

(ksa). とは言え、ここはまだちょっと肌寒いくらいの涼しさだ。

Although it is summer, it is still cool here-almost to the extent that it can be called a little chilly.

(ksb). 時間がなかったとは言え、ジェーンにこれくらいのレポートが書けないはずはない。

(i) Even admitting that Jane didn't have much time, I don't believe that she couldn't write a (simple) report like this. (ii) Although Jane says that she didn't have much time (or you say that Jane didn't have much time), I don't believe that she couldn't


(i)Sinformal とは言え だ after Adjectiveなstem and Noun is omitted
{知らない/知らなかった}とは言え Although someone doesn't/didn't know
{寒い/寒かった}とは言え Although it is/was cold
不便{∅/だった}とは言え Although something is/was inconvenient
子供{∅/だった}とは言え Although someone is/was a child
(ii)Sentence1。 とは言えSentence2。  


(a). 子供がやったこととは言え、これは立派な犯罪だ。

Although this was done by a child, it practically amounts to a crime.

(b). 予想していた返答だったとは言え、やはりそれを聞いた時はショックだった。

Although it was the response I'd expected, it really did shock me to hear it.

(c). ノートブック型とは言え、ディスプレイは17インチ、プロセッサーは2.4GHz、内臓ドライブは250GBもあり、DVD/CD-RWコンボドライブ付きという優れものだ。

Although it is a laptop, it is an excellent machine, with a 17-inch display, a 2.4GHz processor, a voluminous 250GB internal drive and a DVD/CD-RW combo drive.

(d). 安いとは言え、都会の高級マンションだ。普通の者が簡単に買える代物ではない。

Although I say (it is) reasonable, it is an upscale condominium in the city. It's not something ordinary people can easily afford.

(e). いかに暫定的処置とは言え、これはずさんすぎる。

No matter how temporary these measures are supposed to be, this is just too slipshod.

(f). 怪我をして動けないとは言え、ものを考えることはできる。

Even though I cannot move because of my injury, I can still think.

(g). 毎日走っているとは言え、1キロほどジョギングするだけだから大した運動にはならない。

Although I say I run every day, it's just one kilometre of jogging, so I don't get much exercise.

(h). 退職したとは言え、毎日やることがたくさんあるので忙しい。

Although I've retired, I have lots of things to do every day, which keeps me busy.

(i). 燃料電池は将来化石燃料に代わる主要エネルギーになるだろう。とは言え、これにはまだ解決すべき技術的な問題が多く残っている。

Fuel cells will probably become a major source of energy in the future, replacing fossil fuels. Having said that, many technical problems (with this technology) remain to be solved.

Note image

㊤ とは ←

→ ㊤ つい