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㊥ 結果


A noun which expresses the idea "as a result of". As a result of; after; upon

Key Sentences

(ksa). 投票の結果、その提案は反対多数で否決された。

As a result of the vote, the proposal was rejected by the majority's opposition.

(ksb). 妻と相談した結果、家を買うことにした。

After my wife and I discussed it, we decided to buy a house.


(i)Noun の結果  
  試験の結果 As a result of an exam
(ii)Vinformal nonpast 結果  
  話した結果 Upon/after talking


(a). 相談の結果、今回の旅行は延期することになった。

After discussion, it's been decided that the planned trip will be postponed.

(b). 検査の結果、妻の体はどこにも異状がないことが分かった。

As a result of the examination, my wife was found to be healthy (literally: it was found that there was no abnormality with my wife's body).

(c). 調査の結果、新しい事実が発見された。

As a result of the investigation, new facts emerged.

(d). 警察で調べた結果、原因は煙草の火の不始末と分かった。

As a result of the police investigation, it was determined that the cause (of the fire) was the careless handling of a cigarette butt.

(e). 特別のダイエットをした結果、十キロの減量に成功した。

I've succeeded in losing ten kilos as the result of a special diet.

(f). 新しい教科書を使った結果、学生の成績が著しく伸びた。

As a result of using a new textbook, the students improved their performance remarkably (literally: the performance of the students improved remarkably).

(g). ゴルフの個人指導を受けた結果、自分の問題点が明らかになった。

Upon taking a private golf lesson, my problems became clear.

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