Conjunction/Compound Particle
An action/state that is expressed in the subordinate clause is balanced by another action/state expressed in the main clause, or something/someone that is replaced by something/someone else. | Instead of; instead; but (to make up for~); so (to make up for~); in place of |
【Related Expression: が; から; けれど(も); ないで; ので; しかし; ずに】 | |
(ksa). 昼間遊ぶ代わりに夜勉強するつもりだ。
I am going to enjoy myself in the daytime, so/but (to make up for it) I will study at night.
(ksb). 山田さんにはちょっと余分に働いてもらった代わりに特別手当てを出した。
Mr. Yamada worked for us a bit extra, so/ but (to make up-for it) we paid him special compensation.
(ksc). 前のアパートは設備が悪かった代わりに家賃が安かった。
The former apartment had bad facilities, so/but (to make up for it) the rent was cheap.
(ksd). 今朝は、コーヒーの代わりにココアを飲んだ。
This morning I drank cocoa instead of coffee.
(i){V/Adjective い} informal | 代わりに | |
話す代わりに | Instead of talking | |
高い代わりに | Instead of being expensive | |
(ii)Adjective な stem | {なだった}代わりに | |
静か{なだった}代わりに | Is/was quiet but (to make up for~) | |
(iii)Noun | {のだった}代わりに | |
先生の代わりに | In place of the teacher | |
いい先生だった代わりに | Someone was a good teacher, but (to make up for~) |
(a). 今日は図書館で勉強する代わりに寮の部屋で勉強した。
Today I didn't study in the library. Instead, I studied in my dorm room.
(b). 私はトムに日本語を教えてあげた代わりに彼に英語を教えてもらった。
I taught Tom Japanese, so (to make up for it) he taught me English.
(c). 高い長距離電話をかける代わりに、手紙をよく書いています。
Instead of making expensive long distance calls I often write letters.
(d). 私のアパートは家賃が高い代わりに、駅に近くてとても便利です。
My apartment is expensive, but it is close to the station and very convenient.
(e). 私達の日本語の先生は厳しい代わりに学生の面倒見がいい。
Our teacher is strict, but (instead) he takes good care of his students.
(f). 大学の先生は給料が低い代わりに自由がある。
College professors' salaries are low, but (instead) they have freedom.
(g). 父は体が弱い代わりに意志がとても強い。
My father is physically weak, but (instead) he has a very strong will.
(h). この辺は静かな代わりに、店も遠くて不便です。
This area is quiet, but (instead) it's inconvenient because the stores are far away.
(i). 日本語の授業にいつもの山田先生の代わりに田中という新しい先生がいらっしゃった。
To our Japanese class came a new teacher Ms. Tanaka instead of our regular teacher Ms. Yamada.