㊥ である ←

→ ㊥ どうも

㊥ どころか


A conjunction indicating that someone/something is very far from an expected state. Far from; not just; even
【Related Expression: ばかりか~(さえ)】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 私は日本語が話せるどころか、一度も勉強したことがありません。

I am far from being able to speak Japanese. I haven't studied it at all.

(ksb). ジムは日本語の会話が出来ないどころか、簡単なあいさつも出来ない。

Jim is not just unable to converse in Japanese; he cannot even make simple greetings.


(i){Vinformal /Adjective い} informal nonpast どころか  
  食べるどころか Far from eating
  大きいどころか Far from being big
(ii){Adjective な stem (な)/Noun} どころか  
  元気(な)どころか Far from being healthy
  病気どころか Far from being ill


(a). スミスさんは日本語の新聞が読めるどころか、平仮名も知らない。

Mr. Smith is far from being able to read a Japanese newspaper; he doesn't even know hiragana.

(b). ジョンソンさんは漢字が書けないどころか、平仮名も書けない。

Mr. Johnson is not just unable to write kanji; he cannot write even hiragana.

(c). スミスさんは日本語が書けないどころか、日本語で小説が書けるぐらいだ。

Mr. Smith is far from being unable to write Japanese; he can even write a novel in Japanese.

(d). クラークさんは刺身が食べられるどころか、納豆まで食べられる。

Mr. Clark is not just able to eat sashimi; he can even eat nattou.

(e). あの人は本を読むどころか、新間も読まない。

He is far from reading books; he doesn't even read newspapers.

(f). 父は運動をするどころか、家から一歩も出ない。

My father is far from doing exercises; he doesn't even step out of the house.

(g). 今年の八月は暑いどころか、寒かった。

This August was far from being hot; it was cold.

(h). 私の父は丈夫(な)どころか、寝たきりです。

My father is far from being healthy; he is bedridden.

(i). 食事はご馳走どころか、豚のえさみたいだった。

The meal was far from being a feast; it was like food for pigs.

Note image

㊥ である ←

→ ㊥ どうも