An adverb to indicate that one cannot make a definite statement about something due to lack of hard evidence. | I don't know why but; I cannot manage to; just; from what I gather; seem; no matter how~; I gather that~; for some reason |
(ksa). この文の意昧がどうもよく分からない。
I tried, but I cannot understand the meaning of this Japanese sentence very well.
(ksb). 鈴木さんはどうも京都大学に入りたいらしい。
I gather that Mr. Suzuki wants to enter Kyoto University.
(ksc). あの先生の授業はどうも面白くない。
I don't know why, but that instructor's class is uninteresting.
(i)どうも~ | {V /Adjective (い/な)} negative | |
どうも話せない | No matter how one tries, someone can’t talk | |
どうも食べられない | No matter how one tries, someone doesn’t eat | |
どうもよくない | I don’t know why but something isn’t good | |
どうも上手じゃない | I don’t know why, but someone is not good at something | |
(ii)どうも~ | {V /Adjective い} informal {らしい/ようだ} | |
どうも話す{らしい/ようだ} | I gather that someone is going to talk | |
どうも食べる{らしい/ようだ} | I gather that someone is going to eat | |
どうも高い{らしい/ようだ} | I gather that something is expensive | |
(iii) どうも~ | Adjective な stem {らしい/ようだ} or Adjective な stem だった{らしい/ようだ} | |
どうも静か{らしい/ようだ} | I gather that something is quiet |
(a). このごろどうも体の詞子がよくないんです。
I don't know why, but lately I don't feel very good.
(b). あの人の日本語はどうも聞きにくい。
I don't know why, but his Japanese is hard to listen to.
(c). 先生、この間題の意味がどうもつかめないんです。
Professor, I can't manage to grasp the intent of this problem.
(d). こんな田舎に住むのはどうも不便だ。
It is just inconvenient to live in such countryside.
(e). うちの子はテレビばかり見て、どうも本を読まない。
I don't know why, but our kids are always watching TV and do not read books.
(f). あの先生はどうも厳しいようだ。
That teacher seems strict to me.
(g). ジョンは日本語を話すのは上手だが、読むのはどうも下手なようです。
John is good at speaking Japanese but for some reason he seems poor at reading it.
(h). その男がどうも犯人に違いないと思っていたが、やっぱりそうだった。
I gathered that he must be the one who did it, and my guess was right.
(i). 父は症状からしてどうもがんになったらしい。
Judging from the symptoms my father seems to have cancer.
(j). 彼女が今朝電車の中で僕に言ったことがどうも気になった。
What she said to me this morning in the train somehow bothered me.