㊥ さすが ←

→ ㊥ せめて

㊥ せい


A dependent noun expressing a cause which brings about an undesirable result. Because; due to
【Related Expression: おかげ; 為(に)】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 今年は不況のせいで車があまり売れない。

Because of the depression, cars are not selling well this year.

(ksb). 寝不足のせいか体に力が入らない。

Because of lack of sleep, I suppose, I feel weak (literally: the body has no power).

(ksc). 私が失敗したのは彼のせいだ。

It is because of him that I failed.

(ksd). 昨夜飲みすぎたせいで今日は頭がふらふらする。

I am dizzy today because I drank too much last night.


(i)Nounの せい (で/か/etc.)
過労のせい Because of overworking
(ii)Sinformal せい (で/か/etc.) The same as the relative clause formation
働きすぎたせい Because someone worked too hard


(a). 最近運動不足のせいで体重が増えた。

I've gained weight because of lack of exercise these days.

(b). 雨が少なかったせいで今年は米が不作だそうだ。

It is reported that because there was little rain, we are going to have a bad crop of rice this year.

(c). 年のせいか最近耳が聞こえにくくなった。

Due to my age, I suppose, I cannot hear well these days.

(d). 新しい土地に来て水が変わったせいか近頃お腹の調子がよくない。

Maybe because I have moved to a new place and the water is different, my stomach is uncomfortable these days.

(e). 目が悪くなったのは一日中コンピュータを使って仕事をしているせいだ。

It is because you work with a computer all day that your eyesight has deteriorated.

(f). 彼はよく自分の失敗を人のせいにする。

He often blames others for his own failure (literally: claims that his own failure is due to others).

(g). これは誰のせいでもない。

This is (due to) no one's fault.

Note image

㊥ さすが ←

→ ㊥ せめて