㊥ 際(に) ←

→ ㊥ せい

㊥ さすが


An adverb that expresses the speaker's/writer's strong feeling that something has turned out as s/he expected. As might be expected; after all; it is only natural that~; naturally; truly; really; indeed; impressive
【Related Expression: やはり】

Key Sentences

(ksa). ネルソンさんは日本に三年留学していたので、さすがに日本語が上手です。

Because Mr. Nelson has studied in Japan for three years, naturally he speaks Japanese well.

(ksb). さすが(は)広島のかきだ。実に美味しい。

After all, they are Hiroshima oysters. They are really good.

(ksc). さすが元ボートの選手だけ{あって/に}、体格がいい。

After all, he is a former boating man. He has a fine physique.

(ksd). さすが、パリで十年暮らしただけ{あって/に}、彼は大変フランス通だ。

It is only natural that he is well versed in things French, because he lived in Paris for 10 years.

(kse). 難しい質問に、さすがの大先生も、困ってしまった。

The great teacher that he was, even he had a hard time answering the difficult question.


(i)さすが にSentence
さすがに、疲れた It is only natural that I got tired
(ii)さすが (は)Nounだ
さすが(は)日本の車だ After all, it is a Japanese car
(iii)さすが {V/Adjective い}informalだけ{あって/に}
さすがよく{勉強する/勉強した}だけ{あって/に} As might be expected from the fact that someone studies/has studied hard
さすが{面白い/面白かった}だけ{あって/に} As might be expected from the fact that something is/was interesting
(iv)さすが {Noun (Ø/だった)/Adjective な(な/だった)} だけ{あって/に}
さすが{若い人/若い人だった} だけ{あって/に} as might be expected from the fact that someone is/was a young person
さすが{綺麗/綺麗だった} だけ{あって/に} As might be expected from the fact that something/someone {is/was} beautiful
(v)さすが のNounも
さすがの天才も Even a genius


(a). 昨日は十時間も運転をしたので、さすがに疲れました。

Yesterday I drove a car for 10 hours, so I got tired, as might be expected.

(b). 運動を何もしないで、食べてばかりいたから、さすがに太ってしまった。

It is only natural that I gained weight, because I was just eating without doing any exercise.

(c). いつも、CDで音楽を聞いているんですが、生のコンサートはさすがにいいですね。

I'm always listening to music on CDs, but concerts are good, after all.

(d). さすが(は)本場のイタリア料理だ。日本のイタリア料理とは味が違う。

After all, it is authentic Italian cuisine in Italy. It tastes different from the Italian cuisine in Japan.

(e). さすが(は)科学者だ。観察が鋭い。

After all, he is a scientist. He makes sharp observations.

(f). さすが、若い頃山に登っていただけに、今でも足が強い。

As may be expected of a person who used to climb mountains in his young days, he still has strong legs.

(g). さすがの父も、今度の入院はこたえたようだ。

Even on my father the recent hospitalization seemed to have been hard.

(h). さすがの先生にも、解答が分からなかった。

The great teacher that he was, even he couldn't figure out the solution.

(i). 彼は肉が大好物のようで、大きなステーキを二枚も平らげたのはさすがだった。

He seems to like meat a lot and it was impressive that he ate two large steaks.

(j). ジョンはさすがだね。ビールを十本も飲んでしまったよ。

As might be expected of John, he drank 10 bottles of beer.

Note image

㊥ 際(に) ←

→ ㊥ せい