㊥ やる(2) ←

→ ㊥ よう(1)

㊥ やっと


An adverb to indicate that something desirable has been finally achieved or will be eventually achieved though with great difficulty. Finally; at last; barely
【Related Expression: かろうじて; なんとか; とうとう; ようやく】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 日本史の期末レポートやっと書き終えた。

I finally finished writing my Japanese history term paper.

(ksb). この道は車がやっと一台通れるくらいの狭さです。

This street is so narrow that one car can barely go through.

(ksc). 私の日本語の力では挨拶をするのがやっとです。

My Japanese language ability is barely enough to make greetings.

(ksd). やっとのことで、家が買えた。

At long last, I could buy a house.


(i)やっと Vinformal
やっと {会える/会えた} I am/was finally able to meet him
(ii)やっと Vinformal
やっと {乗れる/乗れた} Can/could barely ride
(iii)Vinformal nonpast のがやっと {だ/だった}
そう言うのがやっと {だ/だった} Somone can/could barely say so
(iv) やっとのことでV
やっとのことで {着く/着いた} At long last, someone gets/got there


(a). 半年の長い冬が終わって、やっと暖かい春になった。

The long winter that lasted for half a year has ended and finally the warm spring is here.

(b). 日本で一年間日本語を勉強したら、やっと、日本語が通じるようになった。

After I studied Japanese for a year in Japan, I finally reached the point where I could make myself understood in Japanese.

(c). あの二人はずいぶん間付き合っていたが、やっと結婚したようだね。

The couple have been together for a very long time, but it seems that they finally got married.

(d). 長い間の夢だった海外旅行にやっと行けそうだ。

It seems that finally I can travel abroad which was a dream I cherished for a long time.

(e). 家から駅まで走って、やっと、七時半の電車に間に合った。

I ran to the station from my house, and I just caught the 7:30 train.

(f). 家族四人がやっと住めるような小さいアパートに入った。

We moved into a small apartment which can barely accommodate a family of four.

(g). 父は腰を痛めているので、家の周りを散歩するのがやっとです。

My father is suffering from pain in the lower back, and he can barely walk around the house.

(h). やっとのことので、富士山の頂上に着いた。

With the greatest effort, we reached the top of Mt. Fuji.

Note image

㊥ やる(2) ←

→ ㊥ よう(1)