㊥ やる(1) ←

→ ㊥ やっと

㊥ やる (2)

Auxiliary Verb (Group 1)

An auxiliary verb which expresses the idea that someone does something undesirable to someone else when he/she knows his/her action will cause hardship or trouble. (knowing that it will cause someone trouble/difficulty)
【Related Expression: くれる; もらう】

Key Sentences

(ks). 私は正をからかってやった

I teased Tadashi.


Vて やる
いじめてやる (I) will bully someone


(a). ルームメートが部屋を全然掃除しないので、文句を言ってやった

Because my roommate never cleans our room, I complained (to her about it).

(b). 彼にあまり腹が立ったので、怒鳴り付けてやった

I was so mad at him that I shouted at him.

(c). 会社の付けで飲んでやった

I had drinks at my company's expense.

(d). 浩はテレビゲームばかりしてちっとも勉強しないんですよ。一度叱ってやって下さい。

[From a wife to her husband] Hiroshi always plays video games (literally: TV games) and doesn't study at all. Will you talk to him (literally: tell him off) about it (literally: once)?

(e). 言うことを聞かなかったら少し脅してやれ

If he doesn't listen, threaten him a little.

Note image

㊥ やる(1) ←

→ ㊥ やっと