Inflection Ending (used in writing and formal speech only)
a continuative form of ない used in written Japanese (to indicate a reason/cause for what follows if ない is attached to Adjective (い/な) and contrast if it is attached to a Noun+Copula. | Not~ and; not~ but |
【Related Expression: ず】 | |
(ksa). 日本語の期末試験はあまり難しくなく、ほっとした。
The Japanese final examination was not very hard, and I felt relieved.
(ksb). 私の研究対象は現代史ではなく、古代史だ。
My research area is not modern history, but ancient history.
(i)Adjective い stem | くなく |
大きくなく | Something/someone is not big and~ |
(ii){Adjective な stem/Noun} | ではなく |
静かではなく | Something/someone is not quiet and~ |
先生ではなく | Someone is not a teacher but~ |
(a). 今年の冬はあまり寒くなく、オーバーも二、三度しか着なかった。
It wasn't very cold this winter and we wore our overcoats only two or three times.
(b). 昨日見た映画は実に面白くなく、途中で寝てしまった。
The movie I saw yesterday was so boring that I went to sleep during it.
(c). 私には日本語を聞くのが容易ではなく、大分苦労した。
To listen to Japanese was not easy, and I had quite a difficult time.
(d). 彼女と別れた時はそれほど悲しくなく、自分でも驚いた。
I was surprised that I did not feel so sad when I parted with her.
(e). 私には日本語を教えてくれたのは日本人ではなく、アメリカ人だった。
The person who taught me Japanese was not a Japanese but an American.
(f). 僕が好きなのは日本料理ではなくタイ料理だ。
What I like is not Japanese cuisine, but Thai cuisine.