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→ ㊥ 何しろ

㊥ 何でも


A phrase that indicates the speaker's uncertainty about something. I don't know for sure, but

Key Sentences

(ks). 何でも山本さんは奥さんと別れて、一人で暮らしているそうですよ。

I don't know for sure, but they say that Mr. Yamamoto has separated from his wife and lives alone.


(a). 何でもこの辺は物価が非常に高いそうですよ。

I don't know for sure, but they say things are expensive in this neighbourhood.

(b). 何でもあの人は株で大分もうけたようですよ。

I don't know for sure, but he appeared to have earned a lot of money through stocks.

(c). 何でも戸田さんの息子さんはシカゴ大学で経営学修士を取ったらしいですよ。

I don't know for sure, but it seems that Mr. Toda's son received an MBA at the University of Chicago.

(d). 何でも日本とアメリカの西海岸を五時間ぐらいで飛ぶ飛行機を開発しているという話ですよ。

I don't know for sure, but there's some talk that they are developing an airplane that flies between Japan and the west coast of the States in about five hours.

Note image

㊥ なく ←

→ ㊥ 何しろ