㊥ だけで ←

→ ㊥ で

㊥ だらけ


A suffix that indicates that something/someone is covered or filled with something undesirable. Full of; filled with; covered with
【Related Expression: まみれ】

Key Sentences

(ksa). スミスさんはいつも泥だらけの靴を履いています。

Mr. Smith is always wearing shoes covered with mud.

(ksb). この作文は間違いだらけです。

This composition is full of mistakes.


(i)Noun1 だらけのNoun2  
  ごみだらけの部屋 A room filled with rubbish
(ii)Noun1はNoun2 だらけだ  
  部屋はごみだらけだ The room is full of rubbish


(a). 長いこと掃除をしていなかったらしく、床も机の上もほこりだらけだった。

Apparently they have not cleaned the room for a long time and the floor and the tables were covered with dust.

(b). 病院に担ぎ込んだ時、その男の顔は血だらけだった。

When we carried him into the hospital, the man's face was covered with blood.

(c). だらけの足で入って来ないで。

Don't come in with muddy feet.

(d). 借金だらけの生活をしています。

I am living a life with many debts.

(e). この貝は砂だらけで食べにくい。

This seashell contains a lot of sand, so eating is difficult.


だらけ is used when something is covered with something undesirable, but if something is covered with something desirable だらけ cannot be used.

【Related Expression】

The difference between だらけ and まみれ is that the latter means 'totally covered/mixed with dirty liquid/powder such as blood, sweat, mud or dust,' excluding intangible objects, whereas the former can be used not only with liquid/powder but also to cover holes/pimples, and intangible objects, as in Key Sentence (B) and Example (d). More examples to show the difference follow:





㊥ だけで ←

→ ㊥ で