㊥ だらけ ←

→ ㊥ であろう

㊥ で


A particle which indicates a basic quantity, for each of which certain amount is associated. For; per
【Related Expression: につき】

Key Sentences

(ks). この翻訳は一ページ二千円お払いします。

We will pay 2.000 yen per page for this translation.


(a). このアルバイトは一時間千円払ってくれます。

They will pay me 1,000 yen per hour for this part-time job.

(b). 昨日は一日本を五百ページ読んだ。

Yesterday I read 500 pages in a day.

(c). 食べて飲んで、五人、七万ぐらいでした。

We ate and drank and it cost us about 70,000 yen for five persons.

(d). この林檎は一山二百円です。

These apples are 200 yen for one pile.


can be omitted if the relation between the basic amount and the associated amount is more or less fixed as in Key Sentence, Examples (a) and (d). In Example (b) five hundred pages for one day is not fixed, so it is impossible to say 一日五百ページ. The same is true of Example (c) in which the cost of 70,000 yen for five people is not fixed.

【Related Expression】

In the sense of 'per,' the particle can be replaced by につき, if the relation between the basic amount and the associated amount is fixed as in Key Sentence, Examples (a) and (d). There is also a stylistic difference: につき is more formal than .




㊥ だらけ ←

→ ㊥ であろう