An adverb that indicates the speaker/writer's minimally satisfactory level. | At least |
【Related Expression: 少なくとも】 | |
(ksa). 百点とは言いませんが、せめて八十点ぐらいは取りたいです。
I am not saying that I want to get 100 points, but I would like to get at least 80 points.
(ksb). せめて鍋(だけ)でもあれば、ご飯が炊けるんですが。
If we had a pan, at least, we would be able to cook rice.
(ksc). せめて両親には分かってもらいたいんですが。
I wanted at least my parents to understand me.
(i)せめて | Number+Counter (ぐらい)~ |
せめて二時間ぐらい | At least two hours |
(ii)せめて | Noun{ぐらい/(だけ)でも} |
せめて新聞{ぐらい/(だけ)でも} | At least a newspaper |
(iii)せめて | Noun Particle |
せめて妻に | At least to my wife |
(a). せめて一年に十日ぐらい、休暇が取れるといいんですが。
I wish I could take at least 10-day's leave each year.
(b). 日本にいる間に、せめて一度ぐらいは会いに来て下さい。
Please come and see me at least once while you are in Japan.
(c). 美人でなくてもいいけど、せめて、可愛らしい女の子と結婚したい。
It's alright if she is not a real beauty. But I would like to marry at least a cute girl.
(d). 日本に行くんだから、せめて、日本語だけは勉強して来ようと思っています。
I am going to Japan, so, I'm thinking of learning at least Japanese.
(e). せめてもう後一日生きていたら、父の死に目に会えたのに。
If my father lived at least one day longer I could have been with him when he died.
(f). あんなに広い家でなくてもいいけど、せめてもう一部屋あるといいのに。
I don't need that spacious house, but I wish I had at least another room.
(g). 一月もご厄介になるんですから、せめて、皿洗いぐらいはさせて下さい。
I'm going to stay at your house for a month, so please let me wash the dishes, at least.
(h). せめて日本語で日常会話ぐらいは出来るようになりたいです。
I would like to become able to engage in daily conversation in Japanese.