A particle which is used to express the degree of a state. | To the extent that; so~ that~ (almost)~; at least; the only~; rather than~ |
【Related Expression: ほど】 | |
(ksa). 私達は一歩も歩けないくらい疲れていた。
We were so tired that we couldn't even take a step. (literally: We were tired to the extent that we couldn't even walk one step.)
(ksb). 今晩は暖かいのでストーブが要らないくらいだ。
It is so warm this evening that we (almost) don't need a heater.
(ksc). 山田さんくらいよく物を忘れる人はいない。
There's no one who is as forgetful as Yamada (literally: who forgets things as much as Yamada does).
(ksd). 私は料理は下手ですが、ご飯くらい(は)炊けます。
I am a poor cook (literally: bad at cooking), but I can at least cook rice.
(kse). 今この仕事が出来るのは彼くらいのものだ。
He is the only person who can do this job now. (literally: The person who is capable enough to do this job is he.)
(ksf). そんなことをするくらいなら死んだ方がましだ。
I would rather die than do such a thing.
(i)Sinformal | くらい | The same as relative connection rules |
泳げるくらい | To the extent that one can swim | |
(先生も) 出来なかったくらい | To the extent that (even our teacher) couldn’t do it | |
恐ろしいくらい | To the extend that (I) am frightened | |
気の毒なくらい | To the extent that (i) feel sorry | |
(ii)Noun | くらい | |
山田さんくらい | To Yamada’s degree |
(a). その家は直しようがないくらい傷んでいた。
That house was so damaged that it couldn't be repaired. (literally: That house was damaged to the extent that it couldn't be repaired.)
(b). 次郎はひどく酔っていて立っていられないくらいだった。
Jiro was so drunk that he couldn't hold himself upright.
(c). こんな本、十ドルでもまだ高いくらいだ。
Even ten dollars would still be too expensive for a book like this.
(d). 内田さんくらいかわいそうな人はいない。
This is no one who is as pitiful as Uchida.
(e). あの時くらい苦しかった時はない。
I have never suffered as much as I did that time.
(f). 信頼していた人に裏切られる(こと)くらい辛いことはない。
There is nothing as painful as being betrayed by someone you have trusted.
(g). いくら安い所でもシャワーくらい付いているでしょう。
Even though it is a cheap place, there should at least be a shower.
(h). そんな物に二万円も出すのはあなたくらいのものですよ。
You are the only person who would pay as much as 20,000 yen for such a thing.
(i). あんな男の下で働くくらいなら乞食になった方がましだ。
I would rather be a beggar than work under such a man.