㊥ くらい ←

→ ㊥ までもない

㊥ くせに


A conjunction which expresses the speaker's contempt, anger, or disagreement about someone's action, behaviour, or state. Although; in spite of the fact that; and yet; but
【Related Expression: にもかかわらず; のに】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 山田さんは日本人のくせにあまり漢字を知らない。

Although Mr. Yamada is Japanese, he doesn't know many kanji.

(ksb). 山内はよく知っているくせに何も教えてくれない。

In spite of the fact that Yamauchi knows a lot about it, he doesn't tell me anything.


(i)Noun のくせに  
子供のくせに Although~ is a child
(ii){V/Adjective い} informal くせに  
{出来る/出来た} くせに Although~ can/could
{弱い/弱かった} くせに Although ~ is/was weak
(iii)Adjective な stem { だった} くせに  
{下手/ 下手 だった} くせに Although~ is/was bad at something


(a). 彼は大学生のくせに漫画ばかり読んでいる。

Although he is a college student, all he does is read comics.

(b). 良子はまだ学生のくせに高いマンションに住んでいる。

Although Yoshiko is still a student, she lives in an expensive condominium.

(c). 隆司は下手なくせに私とテニスをしたがる。

Takashi is a bad (tennis) player, and yet he wants to play with me.

(d). 怖いくせに無理するなよ。

You are afraid. Don't pretend to be strong.

(e). 孝男はお金もないくせに外車を欲しがっている。

Takao doesn't have money, and yet he wants a foreign car.

(f). 吉田は前は私を見ても挨拶もしなかったくせに、私が部長になった途端に急に愛想がよくなった。

Before (the time I became a division chief), Yoshida never greeted me when he saw me, but he suddenly became friendly when I became a division chief.

(g). 昨日まで見習いだったくせに大きな口をきくな。

Don't talk big! You were only a trainee until yesterday!

Note image

㊥ くらい ←

→ ㊥ までもない