㊦ そして ←

→ ㊦ 好きだ・すきだ

㊦ 過ぎる・すぎる

Auxiliary Verb (Group 2)

Someone/something does something excessively or is in a state excessively. Too; do something too much/often; over-

Key Sentences

(ksa). ウィルソンは肉を食べ過ぎる・過ぎます

Mr. Wilson eats too much meat.

(ksb). このアパートは私達には高過ぎる・過ぎます

This apartment is too expensive for us.


(i)Vます 過ぎる  
  話し過ぎる Talk too much
  食べ過ぎる Eat too much
(ii)Adjective {い/な} stem 過ぎる  
  過ぎる Too expensive
  静か過ぎる Too quiet


(a). 私は今朝寝過ぎて学校に遅れた。

I overslept this morning and was late for school.

(b). この机は私の部屋には大き過ぎる

This desk is too big for my room.

(c). 田中先生の授業は大変過ぎるので辞めました。

I dropped Professor Tanaka's class because it was too demanding.

(d). 森さんは太り過ぎている

Mr. Mori is too fat.


1. 過ぎる, which as a main verb means 'pass; go beyond some limit', is used as an auxiliary verb with Verbます or Adjective い/な stem and means 'do something excessively' or 'be ~ excessively'

2. The stem of いい 'good' changes to よ before 過ぎる, as in (1).

3. The negative ない 'not exist/not' changes to なさ before 過ぎる.

4. For in "be too ~ for someone/something" is expressed by には, as in Key Sentence (B) and Example (b).

5. 過ぎる is a Group 2 verb; the negative form is 過ぎない, the polite form is 過ぎます and the て form is 過ぎて.

㊦ そして ←

→ ㊦ 好きだ・すきだ