㊦ 過ぎる・すぎる ←

→ ㊦ 少ない・すくない

㊦ 好きだ・すきだ

Adjective (な)

Something or someone is what someone likes. Like; be fond of
【Antonym Expression: 嫌いだ

Key Sentences

(ks). 私はステーキが好きだ・好きです

I like steak.


(a). 僕は野球が好きだ

I like baseball.

(b). ジョンソンさんはジャズが大好きです

Mr. Johnson loves jazz.


1. 好きだ is a な type adjective which requires the "は~が construction". That is, the experiencer (i.e., the person who likes someone or something) is marked by は and the liked object by が. (⇨ は~が) Note that the liked object is marked by が not by を.

2. In subordinate clauses, the experiencer is also marked by が, as in (1) and (2).

3. "Like a lot" is expressed by 大好きだ, as in Example (b).

㊦ 過ぎる・すぎる ←

→ ㊦ 少ない・すくない