㊦ 行く・いく(1) ←

→ ㊦ いる(1)

㊦ 行く・いく (2)

Auxiliary Verb (Group 1)

Some action or state keeps changing from the point in time at which the speaker first describes the action. Go on ~ing; continue; grow; become
【Related Expression: 来る2

Key Sentences

(ks). これからは寒くなって行く・行きますよ。

It will get colder (and continue to be that way) from now on.


Vて 行く  
  話して行く Someone continues to talk
  食べて行く Someone continues to eat


(a). これからは毎日本を一冊読んで行くつもりです。

I intend to keep reading one book a day from now on.

(b). これからは暖かくなって行きますよ。

It will grow warmer (and continue in that way) from now on.

(c). その頃から日本の経済は強くなって行った

The Japanese economy grew stronger (and continued to grow that way) from that time on.

(d). 分からないことをノートに書いて行った

I went on taking notes on things I didn't understand.


1. The point in time at which the action starts is the present time in Examples (a) and (b) and the past in Examples (c) and (d), respectively.

2. The following examples use 行く as a full verb meaning 'to go' and are not the usage of 行く2.

【Related Expression】

When a change of state is expressed by 行く2, as in Examples (b) and (c), 行く2 can be replaced by 来る2, as in [1a] and [1b] below.


The 行く2 versions here are more impersonal and objective than the 来る2 versions. The latter versions stress that some change is going to involve or has involved the speaker himself, while the former versions are impersonal statements.

㊦ 行く・いく(1) ←

→ ㊦ いる(1)