㊦ 来る・くる(1) ←

→ ㊦ まだ

㊦ 来る・くる (2)

Auxiliary Verb (Irregular)

An auxiliary verb which indicates the beginning of some process of continuation of some action up to a current point of time. Come about; grow; come to; begin to
【Related Expression: ~始める

Key Sentences

(ksa). 私はコンピューターが少し分かって来た・来ました

Now I have begun to understand computers.

(ksb). 私は色々日本の歴史書を読んで来た・来ました

Up to now I've been reading various Japanese histories.


(i)Vて 来る  
  膨らんで来る Something begins/has begun to swell
  大きくなって来る Something begins/has begun to grow big


(a). テニスをしていたら急に雨が降って来た

Suddenly, while we were playing tennis, it began to rain.

(b). 午後から頭が痛くなって来ました

My head began to ache in the afternoon./ My headache started in the afternoon.

(c). 私はこの頃太って来ました

I've started to gain weight these days.

(d). あの子はこの頃随分奇麗になって来たね。

That girl has become very pretty lately, hasn't she?

(e). 今までたくさん本を読んで来ましたが、これからも読んで行くつもりです。

Up to now I have read quite a few books and I intend to read from now on, too.

(f). 今まで遊んで来ましたが、これからは一生懸命勉強するつもりです。

Up to now I haven't been working hard (literally: have been playing), but from now on I intend to work very hard.


1. Verbて来る expresses inception as in Examples (a) through (d), or continuation of something up to a current point of time, as in Examples (e) and (f). In the former case the Verb is a verb that indicates a process that takes some time to complete, such as なる 'become', 分かる 'understand', 太る 'gain weight', 痩せる 'lose weight', 膨らむ 'swell' and 縮む 'shrink'. In the latter case the Verb is any non-punctual verb.

2. In the following sentences 来る is used more as a full verb than as an auxiliary verb. The meaning of Verbて来る is the same as that of Verbて (i.e., 'Verb and') and of 来る.

(⇨ 来る1)

3. Note that the experiencer of the inception process or the continuation of the action must be the speaker himself or someone with whom the speaker empathizes. In other words, in this usage, what is expressed by Verbて来る involves the speaker in a very intimate way.

【Related Expression】

When 来る2 means inception (the beginning of a process, that is), it is very close to Verbます始める 'begin to ~' Examples (a) through (d) can all be paraphrased using Verbます始める. However, 来る implies that something happens to the speaker or whomever he can empathize with, whereas Verbます始める lacks the speakers involvement with a process of inception.

(⇨ 始める)

㊦ 来る・くる(1) ←

→ ㊦ まだ