㊦ わ(2) ←

→ ㊦ は~が

㊦ は~だ


Someone or something is/was someone or something or is/was in some state, or will do/does/did something.

Key Sentences

(ksa). これだ・です

This is a book.

(ksb). コンサート八時からだ・です

The concert is from eight o'clock.


(a). あの人先生

That person is a teacher.

(b). ジョーンズです

I am Jones.

(c). 授業四時までです

My classes are till four o'clock.

(d). 今度の試合ワシントン大学と

The next game is against the University of Washington.


1. The particle used with the noun or noun phrase between のは and usually drops if the particle does not have any concrete meaning (as in the cases of が and を), or if the meaning of the entire sentence is somehow predictable. Examples follow.

In (5b) and (6b) the particles から and と normally drop, because 出発した 'departed' and 一緒に 'together' generally co-occur with から and と, respectively.

3. The element between のは and cannot be a manner adverb. The following sentences are all unacceptable.

Unlike English, the copula in this construction is normally in the present tense.

5. The number of のは~ sentences which can be produced from one sentence is limited only by the number of elements which can be placed between のは and . For example, four such sentences can be derived from (10).

6. Normally the clause takes , marking the entire clause as presupposed, old, unimportant information, and the element between のは and represents a new, important piece of information. But sometimes the clause takes が, marking the clause as new, important information. In this case the element between が and indicates unimportant information.

【Related Expression】

in the present construction should not be confused with the used as a nominalizer. Sentence [1] is the のは~ construction and [2], the nominalized sentence.

(⇨ の3)



One way to differentiate between the two constructions is to see if the sentence can be restated by deleting のは and and placing the element before のは in an appropriate position. For example, [1] can be restated as [3], but [2] cannot be restated, as seen in [4].



㊦ わ(2) ←

→ ㊦ は~が