㊦ は(1) ←

→ ㊦ は~だ

㊦ わ (2)


A sentence final particle used in weak assertive or volitional sentences by a female speaker.

Key Sentences

(ks). 私も明日のパーティー行く

I'll go to tomorrow's party, too.


(a). 大木さんはもう帰りました

Mr. Ooki has already gone home.

(b). 久子はまだ学生です

Hisako is still a student.

(c). この部屋は小さい

This room is small.


1. The sentence particle is used only in female speech and expresses the speaker's weak assertion or volition. In addition, sometimes expresses the speaker's intimacy or friendliness.

2. can follow any declarative sentence, but cannot follow the volitional forms of verbs. Thus, the following sentence is ungrammatical.

Note that cannot be used in questions.

3. Other sentence particles such as ね and よ can occur with くぁ. In this case, must precede these particles.

㊦ は(1) ←

→ ㊦ は~だ