A sentence final particle used in weak assertive or volitional sentences by a female speaker. |
(ks). 私も明日のパーティー行くわ。
I'll go to tomorrow's party, too.
(a). 大木さんはもう帰りましたわ。
Mr. Ooki has already gone home.
(b). 久子はまだ学生ですわ。
Hisako is still a student.
(c). この部屋は小さいわ。
This room is small.
1. The sentence particle わ is used only in female speech and expresses the speaker's weak assertion or volition. In addition, わ sometimes expresses the speaker's intimacy or friendliness.
2. わ can follow any declarative sentence, but cannot follow the volitional forms of verbs. Thus, the following sentence is ungrammatical.
Note that わ cannot be used in questions.
3. Other sentence particles such as ね and よ can occur with くぁ. In this case, わ must precede these particles.