㊦ もらう(2) ←

→ ㊦ など

㊦ な


A negative imperative marker used by a male speaker in very informal speech Don't do ~

Key Sentences

(ks). 煙草を吸う

Don't smoke!


Vinformal nonpast  
  話す Don't talk!
  食べる Don't eat!


(a). 酒をあまり飲む

Don't drink too much sake!

(b). そんな所にもう行く

Don't go to such a place any more!

(c). あんな男とは結婚する

Don't marry that kind of man!

(d). もう帰って来る

Don't come home any more!


1. is a strong negative imperative and is seldom used except in highly emotional situations. However, the addition of よ after serves to soften the force of the statement.

2. A female speaker normally does not use the imperative. She uses Verb negative ないで, as in 話さないで 'Don't talk.' or 食べないで 'Don't eat.'

(⇨ ください, Note 3)

㊦ もらう(2) ←

→ ㊦ など