㊦ な ←

→ ㊦ ながら

㊦ など


A marker that indicates exemplification. And so on; and the like; for example; things like~
【Related Expression: なんか】

Key Sentences

(ks). 日本の食べ物の中では寿司や天ぷらなどが好きだ・好きです。

Among Japanese foods I like things like sushi and tempura.


(a). A:冬休みはどこに行きましょうか。  B:ハワイなどどうですか。

A: Where shall we go during the winter vacation?  B: How about Hawaii, for example?

(b). 大学ではフランス語やドイツ語などを勉強した。

In college I studied French and German and the like.

(c). この大学には中国や韓国などから学生が大勢来ます。

A lot of students from China, Korea and so on come to this college.

(d). A:経済学を専攻するつもりですか。  B:いいえ、経済学など専攻するつもりはありません。

A: Are you going to major in economics?  B: No, I have no intention of majoring in things like economics.

(e). A:この翻訳をして下さいませんか。  B:こんな難しいもの、私などには出来ません。

A: Could you kindly translate this for me?  B: A person like me cannot translate such a difficult thing.


1. A particle normally follows など, as in:

Particles other than が, を, and は can precede など, but, depending on the context, this order gives the sentence a more derogatory meaning. Examples:

If the main predicate is negated, as in Examples (d) and (e), など often conveys a sense of humbleness especially when the subject is the speaker or a member of his in-group. In other cases, it is generally derogatory.

【Related Expression】

なか is the informal, colloquial version of など. It is used as など is used except that in a context conveying undesirability or contempt there is more emphasis on the derogatory meaning.

㊦ な ←

→ ㊦ ながら