㊤ 割に(は) ←

→ ㊤ や否や・やいなや

㊤ ~わ~わ

Structure (usually used in conversation)

A structure that emphatically presents actions, events or states as examples or reasons, or indicates that someone does something or something happens to a great extent. X and Y; for example, X and Y; because X and Y; so many; so much; one after another
【Related Expression: やら~やら】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 飛行機は12時間も遅れる荷物はなくなる(で)、今度の旅行は最悪だった。

The flight was delayed l2 hours, and my luggage was lost; this trip was the worst.

(ksb). 客が来る来る、またたく間に小さい店はいっぱいになった。

Customers came in one after another, and in the blink of an eye, the small shop had filled up.


(i)S1informal nonpast S2informal nonpast  
会議に遅れる名刺を忘れる Someone was late for the meeting and forgot to bring his/her business cards
交通は不便だ家賃は高い Transportation is inconvenient and the rent is expensive
(ii)V1informal nonpast V2informal nonpast Where V1=V2
増える増える Something increases so much (literally: increases and increases)


(a). 仕事は増える給料が下がる、今の状況は最悪だ。

We have more work to do, and our salaries have been cut; the current situation could not be  worse.

(b). クレジットカードをなくす怪我をするで、今度のスキー旅行ではひどい目に遭った。

Having lost my credit card and gotten injured--I had an awful time on this ski trip.

(c). 新しく雇った学生アルバイトは、仕事は遅い文句は多いで、とても使いものにならない。

The student part-timer we hired recently is (of) no help (to us) because he (literally: his work) is slow and he complains a lot.

(d). この辺りは買い物には不便だ環境は悪い、何一ついいところがない。

There's nothing good around here -the shopping is inconvenient and the environment is bad.

(e). 台所は何一つ手伝おうとしない、一緒に外食してもお金を払わない、もうあんな客は来てほしくない。

She never offered to help in the kitchen or paid anything when we went out to eat; I don't want any more houseguests like that.

(f). 面白い仕事はもらえる給料は上げてまらえる、新井君は最近いいことずくめだ。

He gets interesting work and a raise -Arai has had a real streak of good fortune lately.

(g). 辞書で「コウ」という発音の漢字を調べてみたら、あるある、全部で174も出ていた。

When I looked up the kanji with the pronunciation "kou" in a dictionary, there were so many of them -174 in all.

(h). 余程おなかが空いていたのだろう。食べる食べる、またたく間に大きな茶わんでご飯を5杯も平らげた。

He must have been very hungry. He ate and ate, and finished five large bowls of rice in an instant.

Note image

㊤ 割に(は) ←

→ ㊤ や否や・やいなや