㊤ ~わ~わ ←

→ ㊤ やら

㊤ や否や・やいなや

Conjunction (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)

A conjunction that expresses the idea that something happened or someone did something immediately following another event or action. As soon as; no sooner~ than; the moment; soon after; immediately after
【Related Expression: や; 途端(に); と同時に; とすぐ(に); たらすぐ(に); なり; が早いか; 瞬間に】

Key Sentences

(ks). その小説は発売されるや否やミリオンセラーになった。

The novel sold one million copies as soon as it went on sale.


Vinformal nonpast や否や  
聞くや否や As soon as someone heard something


(a). 彼女は車から降りるや否や報道陣やファンに取り囲まれた。

She was surrounded by reporters and fans as soon as she got out of the car.

(b). スタジオに着くや否やリハーサルが始まった。

The rehearsal began as soon as I arrived at the studio.

(c). 秀夫はアパートに帰るや否やベッドに倒れ込んだ。

Hideo collapsed on his bed as soon as he returned to his apartment.

(d). 母の顔を見るや否や涙が込み上げてきた。

As soon as I saw my mother (literally: mother's face), my tears welled up.

(e). 小池氏はメディアから批判されるや否や、手のひらを返すように意見を変えた。

No sooner was he criticized by the media than Mr. Koike abruptly (literally: as if he turned his hand over) changed his opinion.

(f). ジョージは大学を卒業するや否やゲームソフトのビジネスを始めた。

George started his own game software business the moment he graduated from college.

(g). 安くておいしいと評判のそのレストランは、朝11時に開店するや否や、常連客でいっぱいになった。

The restaurant, which is popular for its reasonable prices and good food, was full of regular customers as soon as it opened at 11:00 a.m.

(h). そのテレビドラマは1回目が放映されるや否や、国中に大きな韓国ブームを引き起こした。

As soon as the first episode of the TV drama was telecast, it sparked a big Korea boom throughout the country.

Note image

㊤ ~わ~わ ←

→ ㊤ やら