㊤ なぜか ←

→ ㊤ んばかり(に)

㊤ なぜなら(ば)~からだ

Structure (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)

A structure used to introduce a reason for the statement in the preceding. The reason is that~; because
【Related Expression: から; ので; なぜかと言うと~からだ】

Key Sentences

(ks). 彼はみんなに好かれている。なぜなら(ば)、誰にでも親切だからだ

Everybody likes him. The reason is that he is kind to everybody.


Sentence。 なぜなら()~からだ  
食べない。なぜなら()食欲がないからだ I won't eat it. The reason is that I don't have an appetite


(a). 私は自分が好きです。なぜならば、今を自由に生きているからです

I like myself. The reason is that I am living freely in the moment.

(b). ゲームにおいて最も重要な要素は、目的です。なぜならば、ゲームは本能ではなく理性で行われるものだからです

The most important element of a game is the objective. This is because games are played not by instinct but by reason.

(c). 外国語学習者は物事を考える時、自分の母語で考える。なぜならば、目標言語では考えがまとめられないからだ

People who are learning a foreign language think in their mother tongue (literally: when they think). The reason is that they cannot think coherently in the target language.

(d). 変化を遂げない経営は当然効率が悪くなります。なぜならば顧客も競合他社も常に変化しているからです

Management that doesn't change will become ineffective, as a matter of course. The reason is that both customers and competitors are always changing.

(e). 近現代の日本が本当に正しい道を歩んできたのかどうかは吟味に値する。なぜならば、その過程で日本が失ったものも多いからである

Whether modern Japan has actually been taking the right path should be examined. The reason is that Japan has lost many things during that process.

Note image

㊤ なぜか ←

→ ㊤ んばかり(に)