㊤ なす ←

→ ㊤ なぜなら(ば)~からだ

㊤ なぜか

Adverb (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)

An adverb indicating that the speaker/writer doesn't know the cause of/reason for something I don't know why; without knowing why; for an unknown reason
【Related Expression: そうして(だ)か; どう言うわけ(だ)か】

Key Sentences

(ks). このところなぜか体の調子が悪い。

I don't know why, but I haven't felt well lately.


(a). ヨーロッパやアジアには受け入れられなかったSFが、なぜか日本には根づいた。

Science fiction, which did not catch on in Europe and Asia, took root in Japan for some unknown reason.

(b). なぜか僕は日本語の難しさにはまってしまった。

For some reason, I got hooked by the difficulty of Japanese language.

(c). 最近私が住んでいる町ではなぜか古本屋が増えている。

I don't know why, but lately the number of used bookstores (in the town) where I live has grown.

(d). ログインの手順を教えて下さい。なぜかできなくなってしまったんです。

Please teach me how to log in. I don't know why, but I can't do it anymore.

(e). 自分の文化のリズムには、なぜか体が自然と反応し、踊りたくなる。

For some unknown reason, our bodies respond spontaneously to our own cultural rhythms, and we feel like dancing!

Note image

㊤ なす ←

→ ㊤ なぜなら(ば)~からだ