Compound Particle
A compound particle marking an event, action or state that the speaker/writer does not expect and that causes him/her to feel some emotion | (not thing/expect/etc.) that; (because/be glad/regret/etc.) that |
【Related Expression: と言うのは; ことに】 | |
(ksa). 彼が自分のベンチャー会社を立ち上げるとは思いもしなかった。
I never thought that he would launch his own venture business.
(ksb). あんないい店がなくなったとは残念だ。
It is too bad that such a nice shop is gone.
(ksc). 子供が生まれた途端にがんの宣告を受けるとは何という悲劇だ。
What a tragedy it is for her to be told that she had cancer right after she'd had her baby.
(ksd). こんな便利なサイトがあったとは!
(a) I'm surprised that there is such a convenient website. (b) How great to have such a convenient website! (c) Who would have thought there would be such a convenient website!
(i){V/Adjectiveい}informal | とは | |
{来る/来た}とは(驚いた) | (I'm surprised that) someone will come/came | |
{高い/高かった}とは | (I'm surprised that) something is/was expensive | |
(ii){Adjectiveなstem/ Noun} | {∅/だ/だった}とは | |
上手{∅/だ/だった}とは(驚いた) | (I'm surprised that) someone is/was good at something | |
医者{∅/だ/だった}とは(驚いた) | (I'm surprised that) someone is/was a doctor |
(a). お父さんがそんなにお悪いとは知りませんでした。
I didn't know that your father was that ill.
(b). こんなに早く自分の家が持てるとは思いもしなかった。
I never thought I could have my own house this soon.
(c). ハリケーンのためにガソリンがこんなに上がるとは想像すらしなかった。
I would never have imagined that gas prices would go up this much because of a hurricane.
(d). 一つのテレビドラマが日韓交流にこれほど影響を与えるとは誰が予測し得たであろう。
Who could have predicted that a TV drama would have this much influence on cultural exchange and travel between Japan and Korea?
(e). 蒸したてのお芋がこんなにおいしいとは驚きました。
I'm surprised that fresh steamed potatoes taste this good.
(f). まだ知り合って一週間にもならない私にお金を借りに来るとは驚きだ。
I was shocked that he came to borrow money from me less than a week after we first got acquainted.
(g). こんなにおいしくて、ボリュームがあって、たったの500円とはありがたい。
It's great (literally: I'm thankful) that this (dish) tastes so good, there's a lot of it, and it costs only 500 yen.
(h). 大勢の人が家をなくして困っているというのに、それを利用して金をもうけるとはけしからん。
It is inexcusable that while many people have lost their houses and are suffering, some take advantage of this to make money.
(i). バッハの最高傑作の演奏をDVDで見られるとは何という幸せでしょう!
How happy I am to be able to watch a performance of Bach's best work on DVD!
(j). 自分たちで嘘を広めておいて、それを既成事実にしようとは何たることだ!
What a (shameful) thing it is to spread lies and try to convince people that they are true (literally: make them an established fact).