A phrase that expresses the idea that something is not in proportion to what one would normally expect. | For; despite; although; (not) as much as; (not)~ because of that; considering |
【Related Expression: にしては】 | |
(ksa). この店のサービスランチは値段の割に(は)おいしくボリュームがある。
The bargain lunch at this restaurant is tasty and the portions are generous for the price.
(ksb). ビルはよく勉強している割に(は)成績が伸びない。
For all his hard work, Bill's grades don't seem to improve./ Although Bill studies hard, his grades do not improve.
(ksc). このチームは強い割に(は)人気がない。
This team is not popular despite its strength.
(ksd). 彼は大学で秀才だった割に(は)実社会であまり成功していない。
He's not doing very well in the business world considering that he was such a brilliant student at college./ He was a brilliant student at college, but, despite that, he is not doing very well in the business world.
(kse). 彼女はずばらしい研究をしているが、その割に(は)認められていない。
She is doing excellent research, but hasn't gained as much recognition as she deserves.
(i)Noun | {の/である/だった/であった}割に(は) | |
値段の割に(は) | For it's price | |
先生{の/である/だった/であった}割に(は) | Considering that someone is/was a teacher | |
(ii)Vinformal | 割に(は) | |
よく{行く/行った}割に(は) | Considering that someone goes/went often; for as often as someone goes/went | |
(iii)Adjectiveいinformal | 割に(は) | |
{小さい/小さかった}割に(は) | For it's small size; considering that something is/was small | |
(iv)Adjectiveなstem | {な/である/だった/であった}割に(は) | |
貧乏{な/である/だった/であった}割に(は) | Considering that someone is/was poor |
(a). 清水さんは年の割には若く見える。
Ms. Shimizu looks young for her age.
(b). この辺りはいつも海からの風があるので、強い日射しの割には過ごしやすい。
Because there is always a wind coming up off the sea in this area, it is comfortable (to stay here) despite the strong sun.
(c). このソフトは安い割には機能がよく、使いやすいです。
For as cheap as it is, this software is easy to use and has good functionality.
(d). この図書館は建物が立派な割には中の設備がよくない。
Despite the impressive building, the facilities inside this library are not that good.
(e). 多くの人が「有機野菜」表示を気にする割には、その意味を知っている人は少ない。
Although many people pay attention to "organic vegetable" labels (on produce), few know what they mean.
(f). シアトルなどの都市がある北部太平洋岸は比較的暖かく、緯度が北海道と変わらない割には冬の寒さも厳しくない。
The Pacific Northwest, which is home to cities like Seattle, has a relatively mild climate, and the winter is not as bitterly cold (as one would think,) despite the fact that it is at about the same latitude as Hokkaido.
(g). 記念すべきイベントの割には参加者が少なく物足りない気がする。
For an event that should be commemorated, there aren't many participants; I'm not quite satisfied.
(h). 彼は自国の大学で英語を教えていると言っているが、その割には英語が下手だ。
He says that he teaches English at a university in his country, but despite that his English is poor.