㊤ との ←

→ ㊤ とは

㊤ とても~ない


A structure that is used to deny emphatically the ability of someone/something or possibility of an event, state or action Cannot possibly; totally impossible; there is no possibility; there is no way; not~ at all; not~ by any means; by no means
【Related Expression: とうてい~ない; 全く~ない; 決して~ない】

Key Sentences

(ksa). この仕事はとても私にはできない

I cannot possibly do this job.

(ksb). 吉岡さんはとても私の勝てる相手ではない

Mr. Yoshioka is someone I couldn't possibly beat. (literally: Mr. Yoshioka is not someone I could possibly beat.)

(ksc). この病気はとても治る見込みはない

There is no possibility that he will recover from this illness.


(i)とても Vnegativeない  
とても歩けない Cannot possibly walk
とても届かない Do not reach at all
(ii)とても Nounはない  
とても望みはない There is no (hope) at all
(ii)とても NPではない  
とても人に見せられるものではない Something is something I cannot possibly show others (literally: something is not something I can possibly show others)


(a). 私は数学ではとても彼にかなわない

I cannot possibly beat him in mathematics.

(b). こんな予算ではとてもこの学校を維持していけない

It is totally impossible to maintain this school with a budget like this.

(c). 今の大統領はとてもこの国を統治する能力はない

The current president has no ability at all to govern this country.

(d). この病人はとても助からない

There is no way this patient can possibly be saved.

(e). この地方に雪が降ることはとてもあり得ない

There's no way it could snow in this region.

(f). とても我々に勝ち目はない

We have no chance of winning.

(g). 経済はとてもすぐには回復しそうにない

It does not look like there is any chance the economy will recover soon.

(h). 山岸さんはとても80歳には見えない

Mrs. Yamagishi does not look 80 years old at all.

(i). そんな危ないところにはとても子供を行かせられない

I cannot possibly send my child to such a dangerous place.

Note image

㊤ との ←

→ ㊤ とは