㊥ ただの ←

→ ㊥ たところで

㊥ 確かに~が


A structure which expresses the idea "indeed~ but". Indeed~ but; certainly~ but; truly~ but; it is true that~ but; I admit that~ but; definitely~ but
【Related Expression: ことは~が】

Key Sentences

(ks). この車は確かに魅力的だ、値段が高すぎる。

This car is certainly attractive, but the price is too high.


(a). そのパーティーのことは確かに聞いた、いつだったか思い出せない。

I certainly heard about the party, but I don't remember when it is going to be.

(b). 確かに約束はした、今すぐとは言わなかった。

It's true that I promised (to do it), but I didn't say that I would do it right now.

(c). 彼は確かに第一印象がよくない、本当はいい男なんだよ。

He definitely makes a bad first impression, but actually he is a nice man.

(d). この学校は確かにいい学校だ、僕には向いていない。

I admit that this is a good school, but it's not suitable for me.

(e). 確かに僕が悪かった、そんなに怒ることはないだろう。

I admit that it was my fault (literally: I was bad.), but you shouldn't be that mad.

(f). 確かに多くの日本人が海外へ出かけるようになった。海外国語を上手に話す人も沢山いる。しかし、本当の国際人と呼べる人はまだ少ない。

It is true that many Japanese go abroad now. There are also many who speak other languages (literally: foreign languages) well. However, there are still few who can be called "true internationalists".

Note image

㊥ ただの ←

→ ㊥ たところで