㊥ べきだ ←

→ ㊥ だが

㊥ 分


A suffix which indicates the amount of something. For~; ~worth; amount equivalent to~; portion
【Related Expression: 前】

Key Sentences

(ksa). ガソリンを十ドル入れておきました。

I put in ten dollars worth of gas.

(ksb). 私は今日三日の仕事を片付けた。

Today I did three days worth of work.

(ksc). 現金の不足は小切手で払います。

I'll pay the remaining amount (literally: the amount for which cash is short) by check.


(i) Number+Counter (Noun)  
  五人分の食料 Food for five people
  減少 The amount by which something decreased


(a). 会議の資料を六人用意しておいて下さい。

Please get six sets of materials ready for the meeting.

(b). ここは後でサインをしますので二行あけておいて下さい。

Please leave two lines (of space) here because someone will sign there later.

(c). 私達は四か月のボーナスをまらった。

We were paid a bonus equivalent to four months pay.

(d). トラック三台のごみが出た。

Three trucks-full of garbage came out.

(e). 政府は十万人の食糧を被災地に送った。

The government sent food for 100,000 people to the disaster-stricken area.

(f). 学校当局は諸経費の増加を授業料の値上げでカバーしようとしている。

The school authorities are trying to cover the increase in expenses by raising tuition.


Either a number+counter or a noun precedes . When a number+counter precedes, it means something worth that amount (e.g., Key Sentence (A)) or equivalent to that amount (e.g., Key Sentence (B)). When a noun precedes , it means the amount or portion of something represented by the noun (e.g., Key Sentence (C)).

【Related Expression】

The suffix 前 also expresses a portion of something, as in [1], but this use is limited to food. A number+人 precedes 前.


㊥ べきだ ←

→ ㊥ だが