㊥ 以外 ←

→ ㊥ いかにも

㊥ 以上(は)


A conjunction indicating the speaker/writer's feeling that there should be a very strong logical/natural connection between what precedes the conjunction and what follows it. Since; now that; once; if~ at all; as long as; so long as
【Related Expression: 限り(は); からには】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 日本に来た以上(は)、日本語をしっかり勉強したい。

Since I came to Japan, I would like to study Japanese hard.

(ksb). 学生である以上(は)、勉強すべきだ。

So long as you are a student, you should study.


(i)Vinformal 以上()  
  先生である以上は As long as someone is a teacher


(a). 日本語を始めた以上、よく話せて、聞けて、読めて、書けるようになるまで頑張ります。

Now that I have begun to study Japanese, I will hang in there until I can speak and understand what I hear, and read and write well.

(b). 新車を買う以上は、出来るだけ燃費のいいのを買いたいです。

If I buy a new car at all, I would like to buy one with good gas mileage.

(c). 親である以上、子供の教育に関心があるのは当然でしょう。

If you are any sort of parent, you should be interested in your child's education.

(d). 貰った以上は、あなたが何と言おうと、私の物です。

Now that you have given this to me, it is mine, no matter what you say.

(e). 体をよく動かしている以上は、人間の体は衰えないらしい。

So long as you are very active, your body seems to stay strong.

(f). 人と約束した以上は、それを守らなければならない。

Once you have made a promise to someone, you have to keep it.

Note image

㊥ 以外 ←

→ ㊥ いかにも