㊥ よう(1) ←

→ ㊥ より

㊥ よう (2)

Auxiliary (used in writing and formal speech only)

An auxiliary verb that expresses the writer's conjecture about some potentiality or his certainty about a given state of affairs. Probably; likely; must be; should; ought; naturally
【Related Expression: だろう; でしょう】

Key Sentences

(ksa). この程度の文章なら日本語の一年生でも読めよう

Even the first year students of Japanese (probably) can read a passage of this level.

(ksb). こんな寒い日にオーバーも着ないで歩き回れば、風邪も引こう

If you walk around without wearing an overcoat on such a cold day, it is a matter of course that you will catch a cold.

(ksc). この政治的問題を解決するのは容易であろう

It is probably/must be easy to solve this political problem


(i)Vvolitional V: non-controllable verb
書けよう Someome (probably) can write something
出来よう Someone (probably) can do something
(ii)Noun+particle V: non-controllable verb
目も覚めよう It is natural that one wakes up
日本語が分かろう Someone probably understands Japanese
(iii)Adjective な stem であろう
便利であろう Something is probably/must be convenient


(a). この問題については色々政治的解決が考えられよう

Regarding this problem, all sorts of political solutions can (probably) be considered.

(b). このピアノソナタだったら子供にも弾けよう

Even a child should be able to play this piano sonata.

(c). この報告書は来週の金曜日までには書けよう

We should be able to write this report by next Friday.

(d). あのタワーに上れば、町全体がよく見えよう

If you go up that tower, you should be able to see the entire city.

(e). 米ソ関係の改善で、世界の平和は維持出来よう

With the improvement of U.S.-Russia relations, it is likely that world peace can be maintained.

(f). あんなにひどいことをされたら、腹も立とう

If you are treated as badly as that you naturally get mad.

(g). あれだけむちゃくちゃに働けば、病気にもなろう

If you work as crazy as that, you will naturally get ill.

(h). この辺りでは夜の一人歩きは危険であろう

In this neighbourhood it is probably/must be dangerous to walk alone at night.

Note image

㊥ よう(1) ←

→ ㊥ より