㊥ も~も ←

→ ㊥ なあ

㊥ もの(だ)

Noun (used in writing and formal speech only)

A dependent noun which is used to create a sentence structure which presents a characteristic of something. (is) that which~; (is) something which~; (are) those which~

Key Sentences

(ksa). 現在のコンピュータのほとんどはフォン・ノイマン型と呼ばれているものである

Most of the present computers are those which are called (literally: things which are called) the von Neumann model.

(ksb). C社が盲人用障害物感知器の試作品を発表した。この装置は目の不自由な人が皮膚への刺激を通して、前にある障害物などを感知出来るようにしたもの(である)

S1: C Company announced an experimental model of an obstacle detector for the blind. S2: This device enables (literally: is something which has enabled) blind people to recognize (literally: feel) obstacles ahead of them through stimuli to their skin.

(ksc). 米国の貿易赤字はしばらくこのまま続くものと予想される。

It is predicted that the U.S. trade deficit will remain as it is for a while.


Formation: same as relative clause.


(a). この本の内容はいかなる人間社会にも当てはまる一般的なものである

The content of this book generally applies to any society (literally: is something general which applies to any human society).

(b). これは革命的発見とも言うべきものだ

This is something which should be called a revolutionary discovery.

(c). C社がM型ワープロの五パーセント値下げに踏み切った。これは、最近低下している同社のワープロシェアの巻き返しを狙ったもの(である)

C Company has decided to reduce the price of M-type word-processors by five percent. Their aim is to regain (literally: This is to aim at regaining) their recently declining share of the word-processor market.

(d). 大学入試制度調査会の第一回会合が昨日都内のホテルで行われた。この調査会は、最近しばしば批判の対象になっている、現行の大学入試制度の見直しのために発足したものである

The first meeting of the Study Group for University Entrance Examinations was held at a hotel in Tokyo yesterday. This study group was started for the purpose of reviewing the present university entrance examination system which is criticized frequent

(e). この問題は時期が来れば自然に解決されるものと見られている。

This problem is expected to solve itself when the time comes.

(f). エレクトロニクスの世界は今後も急速な進歩を続けていくものと予想される。

It is predicted that the world of electronics will continue advancing rapidly from now on, too.

Note image

㊥ も~も ←

→ ㊥ なあ