Phrase (used in writing and formal speech only)
Something or someone is nothing more than what is stated in terms of amount, degree, status, significance, etc. | Nothing more than; not more than; mere; merely; only; just; as little/few as; that's all |
【Related Expression: だけだ; ただの】 | |
(ksa). これは私の私見に過ぎない。
This is nothing more than my personal opinion.
(ksb). 今期の売り上げの伸びは三パーセントに過ぎない。
The sales increase this term is as little as three percent.
(ksc). あの男は(ただ)言われたことをしている(だけ)に過ぎない。
That man is not doing more than what he was told to do.
(i)Noun | に過ぎない |
学生に過ぎない | Just a student |
(ii)Number+Counter | に過ぎない |
五人に過ぎない | As a few as five people |
(iii)Vinformal(だけ) | に過ぎない |
話している(だけ)に過ぎない | Someone is doing nothing but talking |
話した(だけ)に過ぎない | Someone did nothing more than talk |
(a). 彼は私のボーイフレンドの一人に過ぎない。
He is nothing more than one of my boyfriends.
(b). これは数ある中のほんの一例に過ぎない。
This is only one example among many.
(c). 今言ったことは私の希望に過ぎませんので、あまり深刻に考えないで下さい。
What I've just told you is nothing more than my hope, so please don't take it too seriously.
(d). 私の収入はアルバイトを入れても年二万ドルに過ぎない。
My income is only $20,000 even if I include my side job (income).
(e). 私を支持してくれる人は身内を入れても五十人程度に過ぎない。
There are no more than about 50 people who support me (literally: The people who support me are no more than about fifty), even if I include my relatives.
(f). あの子はまだ十五に過ぎないが、なかなかしっかりしている。
That girl is only fifteen, but she is quite mature.
(g). 彼は(ただ)人の意見を受け売りしている(だけ)に過ぎない。
He is doing nothing more than echoing other people's opinions.
(h). 彼の演説は(ただ)原稿を読み上げた(だけ)に過ぎない。
His speech was nothing more than the reading of a prepared manuscript.
(i). 私と山野氏は初対面の時、簡単な挨拶を交わした(だけ)に過ぎない。
Mr. Yamano and I did nothing more than exchange simple greetings when we first met each other.