㊥ とかで ←

→ ㊥ ところが

㊥ ところ

Noun (used in writing and formal speech only)

A dependent noun which is used to express the idea that when someone did something, something took place as the result. When; then
【Related Expression: たら】

Key Sentences

(ks). 先生に相談したところ、ぜひ大学院に行くよう進められた。

When I consulted with my teacher, he strongly advised me to go to graduate school.


Vinformal past ところ
使ったところ When someone used (it)


(a). 部長に頼んでみたところ、喜んで引き受けてくれた。

When I asked my boss (literally: department chief), he was glad to do it.

(b). 友達に話したところ、しばらく考えさせて欲しいと言った。

When I told one of my friends (about that), he said he would like to think (literally: would like me to let him think) (about it) for a while.

(c). これまでに書いた論文を本にしたとろこ、意外によく売れた。

When I published a book of the papers that I had written (literally: till this time), it sold unexpectedly well.

(d). 人に勧められてヨガを始めたところ、非常に効果があることが分かった。

I started yoga because someone recommended it; then, I realised it had a great effect.

(e). 冗談のつもりで言ったところ、思わぬ結果になって驚いている。

I'm surprised that what I said as a joke had unexpected consequences' (literally: that when I said it as a joke, it brought about an unexpected result).

(f). その仕事に興味のある旨、手紙を出したところ、すぐに面接をしたいとの返事があった。

When I wrote to them saying that I was interested in the job, I got a letter immediately saying they wanted to interview me.

Note image

㊥ とかで ←

→ ㊥ ところが