㊥ それと ←

→ ㊥ それぞれ

㊥ それは

Interjection (used in conversation only)

An interjection which is used when the speaker emphatically provides an expected response to a question. (yes,) naturally; (yes,) of course; oh, surely
【Related Expression: それが】

Key Sentences

(ks). A:勝ちたいでしょうね。B:(ええ)それは勝ちたいですよ。

A: I bet you want to win (the game). B: (Yes,) of course, I do.


(a). A: 国へ帰りたいと思うことがありませんか。B: (ええ、)それはありますよ。

A: Are there times when you want to go back to your country? B: (Yes,) Of course.

(b). A: この値段だったらみんな買うでしょうか。B: それは買いますよ。そんな値段では絶対買えませんから。

A: I wonder if they would buy (them) for this price. B: They surely would. They could never buy them (anywhere else) for that price.

(c). A: もっと給料が高い方がいいでしょう?B:そりゃ()そうですが…。

A: You would prefer a higher salary, right? B: Naturally, I would, but. . .

Note image

㊥ それと ←

→ ㊥ それぞれ