㊥ ことによる ←

→ ㊥ く

㊥ ことはない


A phrase which expresses the idea that there is no need to do something or that there is no possibility of doing something. There is no need to; not necessary; there is no possibility that; there is no chance to
【Related Expression: はずはない】

Key Sentences

(ksa). あんな男の言うことを聞くことはない

There's no need to listen to a man like that.

(ksb). 彼女が今日の会議を忘れることはないと思います。

I think that there is no possibility that she will forget today's meeting.


Vinformal nonpast ことはない Affirmation
  行くことはない There’s no need to go/there is no possibility that someone will go


(a). あんな奴に親切にしてやることはない

There is no need to be kind to a guy like that.

(b). 何もそんなに慌てることはない

There is no need at all to be in such a hurry.

(c). 君が来ることはないと思います。

1. I don't think it will be necessary for you to come here. 2. I think that there is no possibility that you will come here.

(d). 彼がわざわざ出て行くことはないでしょう。

1. There will probably be no need for him to take the trouble to go out there. 2. There is no possibility that he will go out there.

(e). もうお目にかかることはないかもしれませんね。

I might not have a chance to see you again.

(f). 多分私が教えることはないと思います。

I don't think there is a possibility that I will teach.

Note image

㊥ ことによる ←

→ ㊥ く