㊥ 必ずしも ←

→ ㊥ から~に至るまで

㊥ かねる

Auxiliary Verb (Group 2)

An auxiliary expressing that someone cannot do something even if s/he wants to do it. Cannot; be not in a position to; hardly possible; hard; hesitate to do
【Related Expression: がたい; 難い】

Key Sentences

(ksa). そのことは私には分かりかねますから、部長にお聞きになって下さい。

I am not in a position to figure out that matter, so please ask the departmental chief.

(ksb). あの男はどんな馬鹿なことでもやりかねない

He might (literally: can) do any stupid thing.


Vます かねるかねない  
  飲みかねる Someone cannot drink something
  飲みかねない It is possible for someone to drink something/someone might drink something


(a). 来週はロンドンへ出張しますので、誠に申し訳ございませんが、名古屋での会議には出席できかねます

Next week I am making a business trip to London, so I cannot attend the meeting in Nagoya.

(b). これだけの書類を一月では処理いたしかねますが。

I cannot handle this many documents in a month.

(c). 大変遺憾に存じますが、ご依頼には応じかねます

It is a great regret, but we cannot comply with your request.

(d). こんな高価な贈り物、頂きかねます

I cannot accept such an expensive gift.

(e). 彼は私の気持ちを量りかねているようだ。

He appears to find it hard to understand my feelings.

(f). 非常に言い難いことなので、さすがの部長も切り出しかねている

It is such a delicate matter, so even the departmental chief finds it hard to break the ice.

(g). みどりさん、ご主人がお待ちかねよ

Midori, your husband is waiting for you with impatience (literally: cannot wait).

(h). あいつはとんでもないことを言いかねないから、注意した方がいいよ。

He might say outrageous things, so watch out.

(i). あの男はちょっとしたことで暴力を振るいかねない

That man might use violence at the slightest provocation.

(j). この事件は内閣総辞職にも発展しかねない

It is possible for this incident to develop into resignation of the entire cabinet.

(k). 暴動すら起こりかねないような緊迫した情況だった。

It was such a tense situation that even a riot could have taken place.

Note image

㊥ 必ずしも ←

→ ㊥ から~に至るまで