㊥ いかにも ←

→ ㊥ 一方で(は)他方で(は)

㊥ Imperative

Verb forms which indicate commands or requests. (don't) V.; No -ing; (not) to V
【Related Expression: こと; なさい; てはいけない】

Key Sentences

(ksa). もうよせよ。

Stop it now.

(ksb). ここには十二月三十一日までに払えと書いてある。

It says here to pay before December 31.


(i)Group 1 verbs Vconditional Affirmative
(ii)Group 2 verbs Vstem { (spoken)/(written)} Affirmative
  答え Answer!
  答え Answer!
(iii)Irregular verbs   Affirmative
  Do! (spoken)
  Do (written)
(iv)Vinformal nonpast Negative
  話す Don’t talk!
  食べる Don’t eat!


(a). 黙れ!

Shut up!

(b). 動くな!

Don't move!

(c). 山中首相は即時退陣せよ![A demonstrator's placard]

[A demonstrator's placard] Yamanaka must go! (literally: Prime Minister Yamanaka must leave his office immediately!)

(d). 次の分を英訳せよ。[An examination direction]

[An examination direction] Translate the following sentences into English.

(e). 次の質問に答えよ。[An examination direction]

[An examination direction] Answer the following questions.

(f). 乗るなら飲むな。飲んだら乗るな。

If you drive, don't drink. If you drink, don't drive.

(g). 現金は送るなと書いてある。

It says (literally: is written) not to send cash.

(h). 課長にあまりタクシーは使うなと言われた。

I was told by my boss not to use taxis often.

Note image

㊥ いかにも ←

→ ㊥ 一方で(は)他方で(は)