Verb forms which indicate commands or requests. | (don't) V.; No -ing; (not) to V |
【Related Expression: こと; なさい; てはいけない】 | |
(ksa). もうよせよ。
Stop it now.
(ksb). ここには十二月三十一日までに払えと書いてある。
It says here to pay before December 31.
(i)Group 1 verbs | Vconditional | Affirmative |
書け | Write! | |
(ii)Group 2 verbs | Vstem {ろ (spoken)/よ(written)} | Affirmative |
答えろ | Answer! | |
答えよ | Answer! | |
(iii)Irregular verbs | Affirmative | |
来い | Come! | |
しろ | Do! (spoken) | |
せよ | Do (written) | |
(iv)Vinformal nonpast | な | Negative |
話すな | Don’t talk! | |
食べるな | Don’t eat! |
(a). 黙れ!
Shut up!
(b). 動くな!
Don't move!
(c). 山中首相は即時退陣せよ![A demonstrator's placard]
[A demonstrator's placard] Yamanaka must go! (literally: Prime Minister Yamanaka must leave his office immediately!)
(d). 次の分を英訳せよ。[An examination direction]
[An examination direction] Translate the following sentences into English.
(e). 次の質問に答えよ。[An examination direction]
[An examination direction] Answer the following questions.
(f). 乗るなら飲むな。飲んだら乗るな。
If you drive, don't drink. If you drink, don't drive.
(g). 現金は送るなと書いてある。
It says (literally: is written) not to send cash.
(h). 課長にあまりタクシーは使うなと言われた。
I was told by my boss not to use taxis often.